A Beautiful Tree

During my days in LA, on a gloomy day I stepped out of my apartment with no specific aim about where to go and walked down to Santa Monica Blvd to catch a bus that goes somewhere. On my way I discovered this beautiful tree in full bloom against the backdrop a red brick house - on that gloomy day this vision was the best thing I could have started with...


Anonymous said…
Very nice picture. There is a similar tree in front of my house - right here in Hyderabad!It loses its leaves very often but in winter has a purple bloom. Will try to send a picture.
chatterbai!!!! Great article on that site - it was here on ichatteralot too
Di said…
arre...real pretty ..and in one of my fav colors too.. :)
ichatteralot said…
@Anonymous: Thanks - do send - btw, do I know you?

@TCP: thanks - its all material from this blog - I'll write exclusively if I am paid!

@Di: Goes well with a cloudy mrning!

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