Baby Steps

To an alternate career I hope!
Some days back I bumped into this lady, Kavita Chhibber in an online forum and its been a happy association so far, she is using some of my blog posts for her emag located here. It's a well put together emag which makes for great reading, do visit.

I beleive being a part of Dr Deepak Chopra's blog is by invitation only and I managed to gatecrash into intentblog - weekly intent section and managed to generate 43 comments - people sure talk a LOT there!
On an impulse I wrote to a few more people - who knows, I may just hit upon a 1 million dollar book deal somewhere?

I needed to boast about it on this blog!


Di said…
wow!! congrats..keep shining.. :)
ichatteralot said…
@Di: Thanks :)
Albatross said…
Hey...congrats !
Anything for regular visitors to your blog ;)
Kausum said…
Hey, I checked that post of urs. 2 things, your name and ur pic :)
Sue said…
I tell you, Ms. Chibber is stalking me, whether she knows it or not! I get mails from my aunt about the stuff published by her, and now I come to your blog and there she is again!
ichatteralot said…
@Albatross: I am trying but no luck with time :( Appraisals are killing me and now the annual round tables - should be able to manage something this weekend

@Kausun: Oh what a pity! You demystyfied ichatteralot!

@Sue: Yes I agree - she is a very persistent lady :D
Grey Shades said…
LOL!!! helps keep the self-esteem topped up eh? :)
austere said…
ahem ahem! autograph pls?

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