Sleepless in LA

I had this very eventful journey from Mumbai to LA. It started on an incredibly funny note and I would have really laughed if I wasn't so stressed out about everything. I flew Air India and the first announcement I heard was that the flight has been delayed because the crew had not yet arrived. I wondered what if they don’t arrive at all. Is that a very diplomatic statement to make to agitated and stressed passengers who would miss all their connecting flights? What impression must have all the visitors to India formed about India's international carrier? I was shocked at the callousness and utter disregard for any passenger needs after being reasonable well looked after by Lufthansa, Air France, United etc. No water and soap in the toilets further added to discomfort and I found a human hair in my food. I know for sure I will never fly Air India again.

On reaching LA a couple of hours late, I found that the apartment I was renting had messed up and I had no keys and generally stranded with nowhere to put up. Most hotels were booked to capacity but finally I managed to find one next to Universal Studios, a plush 5 star hotel which was frightfully expensive but I loved every minute of my stay there, the view from the window overlooked Universal City and was brightly lit up.

Now that I have settled into the apartment I can’t seem to sleep. Well nothing ever is perfect but the place definitely rocks, it’s in the heart of Hollywood on the Sunset strip with many interesting shops and restaurants all around. I am finally going to fulfill my year long desire to eat Sushi at the Japanese restaurant right below.


Kausum said…
You need to write about your first Wasabi experience. I think every Sushi eater has a very unique and funny Wasabi experience.

Welcome to LA ..
ichatteralot said…
@Kausum: I am still in two minds, the KFC a block away seems to be a more safer and palatable option! Anyway I am going to go eat it no mayyer what. Thanks :)
Welcome to the US. Have a wonderful trip.
Albatross said…
Guess you wud have come over the jetlag by now :)

My favorite food in US was Mexican & Falafal...of course I'm a veggie ! Go ahead and spoil yourself while you're there.
ichatteralot said…
@M: Thanks - you live here too?

@Albatross: Just about but I cant sleep till abt 1 AM! Mexican is wonderful and healthy if one chooses the right options. I am loving it here - the atmosphere is great
Kausum said…
Eat Thai and i think in LA you get the Jambalya juice or something like that .. eat that .. subway is healthy

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