Kashi and its Temples
Image Courtesy : Wikipedia Whatever is written here comes from an assimilation of personal experiences, readings, viewings, conversations and discussions and I don't claim to have any knowledge of my own and I am not factually correct. It is an attempt to write about my experiences which almost edges between dream and reality, so don't believe a word of what I write, go experience for yourself... What does one do on a long weekend? Now that's no dilemma really, because the answers are now quite standard, bingeing online streaming content, revenge retail therapy, meet friends and family or a short break to a resort nearby. From somewhere Kashi / Varanasi / Benares popped up and it was planned and booked, while being knowingly unknowing about the heat, the flocks of people, the temples (I am not religious) and my diet which forbade me to eat anything which tasted good. As the day came closer, the destination was much questioned and debated but finally the cancellation w...